National Care Society Logo with the letters N, C, S in blue, yellow and green respectively. Under these letters, there is the name of the company written in black.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Our commitment to you

In order to provide support services to you, we need to collect, store, use and disclose some sensitive* information. We understand that it is important to you that we protect your privacy when we do this, and we are committed to keeping your information safe and secure ensuring your privacy is maintained at all times.

*Sensitive information refers to, but not limited to medical information, personal details, religion, and cultural information.

We understand that medical information, personal details, religion, and cultural information is sensitive, and we will ensure this information is not shared without your consent. Your information will be shared if the information is in the public interest (that is, the public is at risk or harm due to your condition, or your health and safety are at risk e.g., 000 are engaged).

Your information

We collect a variety of information depending on the level of service you require. All clients will be asked to provide basic information such as contact details (including address, email address, phone number or mobile telephone number) and details of emergency contacts. We will collect more in-depth information once you sign on for services.

For each visitor to our website, our web server collects the following type of information for statistical purposes:

  • The number of users who visit the website
  • The date and time of visits
  • The number of pages viewed
  • Traffic patterns

This is anonymous statistical data, and no attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities. We use this data to evaluate our website performance and to improve the content we display to you.

We also collect information relating to how our website is used and may use ‘cookies’. Cookies are an industry standard and most major web sites use them. A cookie is a small text file that our site may place on your computer as a tool to remember your preferences. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

Our website may contain links to other websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. When you go to other websites from here, we advise you to be aware and read their privacy policy.

How we keep your information

We may keep your information in hard copy or electronic format. Any hard copy information is stored securely at our head office. We use a combination of technical solutions, security controls and internal processes to help up protect your information and our network from unauthorised access or disclosure.

When capturing customer data on our website it is passed through a secure server using encryption technology to ensure that your information is protected when being sent over the Internet. Additionally, all stored customer information is protected from unauthorised access through the use of secure passwords and usernames or other security procedures.

How we use your information

We will not use your personal information for any purpose which is not related to the products or services we provide or for any purpose for which you would not reasonably expect us to use the information. Your information may be used by National Care Society to enable us to offer you other products and services that will enhance our relationship with you. It is your decision whether you wish us to provide this service to you. We may release information about you where there is a duty to the public to disclose that information. However, we will not sell or disclose your information to any individual or entity outside National Care Society, for marketing purposes.

Any sensitive information which we collect will only be used by us to help provide you with the care you need. We will not disclose or release this information without your consent, unless we are required to do so, such as an emergency situation. In this instance, we will make all attempts to contact your emergency contact person to gain consent to release your information to other health providers.

How to access or correct your personal information

If you need to change any details you have provided us, you can do so by contacting our Support Coordinators, main office email or phone number. If you would like a copy of your records, you may request this in writing through our main office email.

How to make a privacy complaint

If you feel we have breached your privacy in any way you can lodge a complaint with our Management team. This can be via phone, postal mail, or email. We will contact you within 24hrs or the next business day if you made the complaint on the weekend. If we are unable to resolve the complaint in the first instance, we will write to you acknowledging your complaint and the issues you have raised. We will investigate and have an outcome for you within 30 days.

How to contact us

You can reach out to us through various methods from our Contact Us page.

Whilst we hope we will be able to resolve your complaint without the involvement of a third party, you may also be able to lodge a complaint with the:

  1. NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission.
  2. National Relay Service

Interpreters can be arranged.

Quality Statement

NCS abides by the NDIS Practice Standards, NDIS Quality and Safeguard framework, and NDIS Code of Conduct to deliver high-level, participant-focused supports and outcomes.

We actively endeavour to improve and exceed the quality and safety of NDIS Services and Supports delivered and to achieve this objective, we will; Create and nurture people of quality by continuous education and training.

This approach is integral to our working practices and all principles are known, understood and applied by the company so that our Quality Management System translates to strengthening our actions and improving results.

We regularly review standards and practices to maintain our high level of service delivery.

Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP)

NCS charges TTP for supports and follows the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (previously known as the NDIS Price Guide).

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